Contact Us

We would love to hear from you. Please get in touch to either give us some feedback of your experience or if you have any suggestions as to how we might improve.

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      North West, North Wales & The Isle of Man Congenital Heart Disease Network,
      Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust


      Twitter account: @NwchdN

      Congenital Heart Helplines:

      If you need any personal advice about you or child’s congenital heart problem our Congenital Heart Nurse Specialists are very skilled and  experienced and able to help with any queries. Our helplines are available Monday to Friday between 09:00 – 17:00. Please ring and leave a message and the Nurse Specialists will call you back to help with your query

      Alder Hey Children’s Hospital

      For non-urgent enquiries:

      Cardiac Help Line: 0151 252 5291

      For Urgent queries outside of normal working hours:

      Contact Alder Hey Children’s Hospital Switch Board on 0151 228 4811 and ask to be put through to Ward 1C for advice.


      Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital

      For non-urgent enquiries:

      Cardiac Help Line:  0161 701 0664

      For Urgent queries outside of normal working hours:

      Contact Ward 85 out of hours on  0161 701 8500/8501

      Adult Congenital Heart Patients

      The helpline is based at Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital and is available for everyone living in the North West, North Wales and Isle of Man

      For non-urgent enquiries:

      Cardiac Help Line: 0151 254 3333

      For Urgent queries outside of normal working hours:

      Please call the hospital switchboard on 0151 600 1616 and ask to speak to the hospital co-ordinator on bleep 2707. If the hospital coordinator is busy please identify yourself as a congenital heart patient and ask for a call back. Make sure you leave your contact telephone number with switchboard.